#Hogwash tempe plus#
When I say my car was dirty I really mean it hadn’t been washed in a month plus and was caked in dirty and was begging for a bath. I tried this place the other day after seeing all the coupons in my ASU deal books and my car was very dirty from all the fall leaves and dirt going around. They informed me in situations like this chances are it kept saying card declined so that they can COPY your card to use as fraud. So I look at my account when he went inside & of course I have enough to cover a $ 5 transaction! LONG story short… I called my bank, there was nothing wrong with my card or account! They automatically put a block & informed me they didn’t even see my card being declined & that is something they would be able to see. The «attendant» tells me «oh hold on» he comes back with one of those little credit card machines you attach to your cell phone that was a RED flag too me. I go to pay for my wash and my card is DECLINED for $ 5, insert my card 2 more times thinking it was just the machine. 5mins later the line starts moving it’s my turn and I go to pay the «attendant» ask where I work because he can give me a discount. I saw the car at the machine trying to pay & I assume it wasn’t working for them so the «attendant“came to assist. Not calling any names but something is fishy here! I went to get a car wash there was a line of 4 cars in front of me. Sorry guys, I’m sick and tired of all the price hikes.
#Hogwash tempe free#
Great that you’ve got free vacuums but there are tons of other places who have car washes under $ 5 in the vicinity, with free vacuums. It didn’t quite click that it meant that they had gotten rid of the $ 3 wash, but low and behold, the cheapest car wash available was now $ 6. Today, I noticed the sign no longer said «$ 3 car wash» but « 3 minute car wash». But the coupons were still out there - a $ 10 wash for $ 5. Then last year (if memory serves), they re-did their «menu», offering a $ 3 wash but it didn’t include soap, just basically a hose down with a giant brush to scrub the dirt in.

Then in 2011 they got rid of that deal, and a car wash was a minimum of $ 5, but the Student Discount Handbook (I think that’s what it’s called) always had pretty decent coupons so I came back. I remember back in 2010 when a regular car wash was $ 3 with your student ID. Up until today, I had been a long standing supporter of Hogwash, but their most recent price hike has got me looking for someplace else to wash my car.