Keywords: Songs Teaching Simple Tobe Simple Past Tense.
Download the IPA Fonts to install them and be able to see the phonetic symbols when. JTaylor Swift Song Teaches about Pronouncing Regular Past Tense -ed 0:00 0:08:46 Pop-out player The English alphabet has only 26 letters, but there are over 44 sounds This can. One thing that teachers also need to pay attention to is the discussion of cultural aspects when instructors use songs in the classroom. They are arranged in alphabetical order according to the singers. Besides that songs as authentic material can make classes interesting and fun, increase students' interest in learning, provide everyday language exposure that is generally not displayed in textbooks, and integrate several language skills at once. Use Somebody that I Used to Know or Call Me Maybe to review different past constructions with your class. Through question and answer that is done after students listen to the song, students are also asked to dare to say the answer according to the questions given.

However, students can also understand the true meaning of the song they are listening to. Not only knowing the meaning of the words in the song. KS1 English Collection Song and movement routines covering Grammar Rules, Prefixes and Suffixes, the Alphabet and more Key Stage 1 Find easy-to-follow active learning videos covering topics. Finally, Students can learn and understand the use of tobe in the present tense form and past tense and get new vocabulary through the song. Thirdly, for readers, you will get information about the method of teaching English using English songs.

Secondly, For students, the use of this method is expected to help them understand the lesson more easily and make them like English because the use of this method is fun. Past Simple Songs Past simple song: Because You Loved Me Past simple song: Did You Ever Love Somebody Past simple song: I Had a Bad Day Past simple song. The results of the study are expected to be useful for researchers, students, lecturers and academics: Firstly, This research is expected to be useful for researchers to know precisely the conditions of the field, the problem of the learning process so that it becomes a reference in preparing before facing the actual conditions. Learn about past tense and sing along with old timey 'ed' as he sends word back into the past.How do you change words into past tense By adding 'ed Enjoy t. The Effectiveness of Using English Songs by the Click Five as Media in Teaching Listening to SMP students. And to prove that songs are also effective in increasing students' abilities in mastery ‘To Be’ Benefits of research. The purpose of this study was to see whether the use of English songs can improve students' understanding and mastery of Simple and Past Tense in affirmative sentences, denying and questioning sentences.